Acclaimed Teen Bullying Short Film to be Made Into Feature

October 24, 2014

The acclaimed short film Love is All You Need? has recently gone into production for a feature length film. Reports on Thursday announced that the cast has been boosted considerably by actors Jeremy Sisto, Ana Ortiz,  Katherine La Nasa and Jenica Bergere, all reoccurring faces in television. These new additions join Step Up 2‘s Briana Evigan, Hannah Montana’s Emily Osment and some of the returning members of the short’s original cast.

“Imagine a world where straight is considered gay and gay is straight. A world where it is taboo for a woman and a man to fall in love. A world where same sex marriage is the only way in which society permits you to love, where who you love defines who you are.” (

Love is All You Need? tells the story of a small middle-America town faced with a horrible pattern of teens being bullied for their sexuality. However, the twist for this particular world is that homosexuality is the norm, and heterosexuality is considered taboo. The original short film received huge acclaim from festivals around the nation, as audiences and critics found this reversal premise effective in illustrating the problematic rational feeding the civil rights issue the world is still working its way through.

Short films are produced into full-length form all of the time, however, this particular project is notable for being a viral hit. While the age of “YouTube movies” has dawned to moderate success levels, it is still noteworthy when a film in this short form can break through the sea of video content on the internet, and reach people on a cinematic level.

We see a lot of short films come through The Audience Awards through our ever-expanding array of competitions, and we hope to see everyone dreaming to this scale. As a part of the huge community that is the Internet, we push for the blossoming world of creative filmmakers and artists who shine through the millions of animal and tutorial videos.

Watch the original short, Love is All You Need? below.


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