Arizona Short Film Showcase is up and running!

August 18, 2015

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The Audience Awards is hosting a short film showcase featuring short films by, about and/or shot in Arizona that started today, August 18th and will run for 8 days through August 27, 2015.

Filmmakers who submitted their short films have a chance to win $600 in cash prizes. The First Place winner will receive $300, Second Place $200 and Third Place $100.

Showcasing Arizona films in The Audience Awards Arizona showcase provides Arizona and their independent filmmakers the opportunity to build their audience, gain exposure and fund their next films through winning the prizes. The audience votes for their favorite films determining the winners. It is free for audience members to sign up, watch, and vote for all of their favorite films once a day.

The audience can view & vote for the Arizona based films by visiting this link.

“We had people helping us promote around the clock in every major city around the country and on social media.” States Sound Color Studios, 1st place winner of the Art Montana Audience Awards short film showcase. “With the help of colleagues from the film industry we were reaching over half a million people. We were very impressed with how the other films did as well.”

The Audience Awards provides filmmakers opportunities to create short video content for brands and win money. Sign up today for your free account and join film’s community.


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