The Audience Awards is hiring city representatives to promote Fusion Doc Challenge

September 22, 2014

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For Immediate Release- September 22, 2014.

The Audience Awards is hiring city representatives to promote Fusion Doc Challenge

The Audience Awards is a digital platform connecting filmmakers to audiences. The Audience Awards features social user profile pages, film competitions where the film with the most votes wins, branded user generated content competitions, short film distribution, filmmaking challenges, crowd source funding and entertainment news.

If you have connections to the film community in your city, you can work for The Audience Awards right from your hometown. The Audience Awards is currently seeking city representatives to work closely with the Audience Awards Marketing Director in obtaining Fusion Doc Challenge entries.

You will work with The Audience Awards Marketing Director to help The Audience Awards in filmmaker relationships including expansion, retention and submissions from hiring date – Nov 5, 2014.

The Goal of the Position: Get Fusion Doc Challenge entries

If you like us and we like you, there is future work for you in this position!


  • Execute citywide marketing program to get out the word about Fusion Doc Challenge and get entries
  • Hang posters
  • Pass out handbills
  • Promote on FB/Twitter/Instagram/Social Media Sites
  • Meeting with filmmakers and filmmaker groups to get submissions for the Doc Challenge
  • Perform all other duties that may be assigned to meet business needs.


  • Know the filmmaking community in your city. Access to festival community, filmmaker groups, film programs and film listservs.
  • You should be a heavy social media user and know all major platforms inside and out.
  • Proven ability to function with autonomy and hit the ground running in new situations.
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills including the ability to interact effectively.
  • Enthusiasm for the film and video industry

How to Apply: Qualified candidates should submit letter of interest with resume via email to

Wage: $25 per submission entered to Fusion Doc Challenge in your area. Position starts from when you’re hired until November 5, 2014.



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