Breaking News: Submissions for LGBTQ “Up and Left” Competition Extended To Entire U.S.

July 23, 2014

LGBTQ on-line film competition, Up and Left, now excepting submissions from filmmakers in all 50 states.

Our upcoming film competition, Up and Left, was recently exclusive to filmmakers from the Northwest states. We are excited to announce that The Audience Awards is now accepting short films from all 50 states.  The Up and Left competition calls for short LGTBQ-related fiction and non-fiction films 15 minutes or less. The film with the most votes wins $1000 provided by the PRIDE Foundation. This exciting competition not only gains filmmakers invaluable exposure, but also increases visibility and understanding regarding LGBTQ issues.

Previous filmmakers who have competed in Audience Awards’ online film competitions have said that it is “a great avenue for us filmmakers, student filmmakers and all filmmakers”  Dan Malloy, competitor in the Cat vs. Griz competition, said: “It gives us the opportunity to get all our work shown.”  Amanda Harryman, who won the 2014 Doc Challenge, commented on the online competition process: “It feels surreal! To have people vote for something I helped create? WOW. But what is more amazing? The comments.”

It will be exciting to see what new films will start filling the shelves of the Audience Awards’ library during this upcoming Up and Left competition and what conversations the audience will be generating.  If you are a filmmaker and would like to enter in our upcoming LGBTQ-centric competition, submit your films through July 31 on our competitions page. Audiences can start voting for your favorite Up and Left films beginning Monday August 4.Up and Left updated image


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