
Everything you need to know about AudFest 2020

November 18, 2020

Since 2013, AudPop has believed real stories change the world—and even after seven years, our dedication hasn’t wavered. We’ve continued to connect over 75,000 diverse filmmakers with brands and audiences through the creation, curation, and promotion of authentic storytelling content.

Part of that dedication is creating meaningful change—and that’s where our annual event, AudFest, comes in. Here’s what you need to know about this year’s virtual (and free!) AudFest, happening on December 8–10: 

What is AudFest, anyway?

AudFest is our annual event that provides an opportunity to collaborate with leaders who are passionate about diverse stories, experiences, and innovations.

AudFest strives to create an environment where everyone can learn from each other to inspire meaningful change and make big things happen together. 

While our fourth year will look a bit different than the ones held in Los Angeles and Missoula, there’s still just as much to look forward to.


What can I expect at AudFest 2020?

This year’s theme—“Connect. Create. Change.”—focuses on the provocative conversations relevant to the current events of 2020, as well as those that align with what’s important for brands, filmmakers, and audiences.

Who will be at AudFest 2020? 

Well, a little bit of everyone. From founders and creatives to publishers and brands, all who prioritize the importance of authentic storytelling and creating change through innovation are welcome at AudFest. 

Even though this year is virtual, our selected panelists are just as exciting as previous years. While more are to come, here’s a taste of who you can look forward to hearing from:

    • Marcy Allen; Executive Director, Missoula Community Foundation
    • Matt Anderson; Diretor, Institute for Family
    • Nichelle S. Carr; Chief Content Officer, AudPop
    • Lynn Casey; CEO and Founder, ShineScout
    • Deniese Davis; COO, Color Creative and Producer, Hoorae Media
    • Meg Donovan; Director, Brand and Product Marketing, Uber
    • Claus Enevoldsen; VP, Global Growth and Business Development, Flipboard
    • Amy Hobby; President, Tangerine Entertainment
    • Helen Huang; Acquisitions Executive
    • Liz Marchi; Head of Community Engagement, Two Bear Capitol
    • Caitlin Coppie Masingill; Founder and President, Full Swing PR
    • Aidan McLaughlin; Director, Global Branded Content and Storytelling, Indeed
    • B. Monét; AudPop award-winning filmmaker
    • Erick Opeka; President, Cinedigm Networks
    • Quincy Newell; CEO, TwentyOne14 Media
    • Lisa Stone; Managing Director, West River Group
    • Maribeth Towers; SVP, Consumer Products, MLS Soccer
    • Jennifer Vaux; Director Content Acquisition, Roku
    • Paige Williams; Founder and CEO, AudPop

Stay tuned for even more panelists to be announced in the coming weeks. 

What will be discussed at AudFest 2020?

This year’s AudFest features a simplified agenda of discussions, designed to make it easier than ever for you to tune in. Here’s what you can expect to hear:

Day 1: Tuesday, December 8

Connect. Create. Change.

9 a.m. PST; 12 p.m. EST

This keynote will focus on how AudPop connects brands and filmmakers to tell authentic stories, and how, together, we create meaningful change.


  • Marcy Allen, Missoula Community Foundation
  • Matt Anderson, Institute for Family
  • Caitlin Copple Masingill, Full Swing PR
  • Aidan McLaughlin, Indeed
  • Paige Williams, AudPop

Connect: The #RightSideOfHistory

12 p.m. PST; 3 p.m. EST

For brands in 2020, being on the right side of history is more important than ever. Between COVID-19, racism, gender equality, and more, so many are facing turbulent times. We want to hear how the power of storytelling can help brands stay relevant, build trust and connections with their consumers and employees, and use their own brand stories to make a difference. 


  • Lynn Casey, ShineScout
  • Meg Donovan, Uber
  • Maribeth Towers, MLS Soccer
  • … and more to come!

Day 2: Wednesday, December 9

Create: From Miss Ann to #Karen

9 a.m. PST; 12 p.m. EST

This filmmaker-focused panel explores the impact 2020 has had on our art and lives, specifically at the intersection of race and gender. We’ll look at how film and video content can highlight and explore the connections, commonalities, and tensions between white and Black women throughout American history. For many of us, these issues are far from new—but has 2020 truly opened an opportunity through storytelling to create a new narrative that can lead to a new mindset and action?


  • Nichelle S. Carr, AudPop
  • Deniese Davis, Color Creative and Hoorae Media
  • Amy Hobby, Tangerine Entertainment
  • B. Monét, AudPop filmmaker

Change: Hindsight is #2020

12 p.m. PST; 3 p.m. EST

We will take a look back at how the events of 2020 have changed the way audiences consume content and how networks and streaming services are innovating in 2020.


  • Claus Enevoldsen, Flipboard
  • Helen Huang, Acquisitions Executive
  • Quincy Newell, TwentyOne14 Media
  • Erick Opeka, Cinedigm Networks
  • Jennifer Vaux, Roku 

Day 3: Thursday, December 10

Fireside Chat: #Diversity is a $uperpower

12 p.m. PST; 3 p.m. EST

A fireside chat that unpacks an avalanche of data to reveal that diverse investing and founding teams drive better financial outcomes. 


  • Liz Marchi, Two Bear Capitol
  • Lisa Stone, West River Group 

How do I tune into AudFest 2020?

With this year being virtual, tuning into AudFest 2020 is easier than ever—plus, did we mention it’s free? Visit the AudFest registration page here to sign up, then you’ll receive all the details you need—from a Zoom link to the schedule—to spend three days with us learning about and gaining inspiration from the power of storytelling.




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