Michael Wong: A Masterpiece

March 16, 2019

An independent film director, Michael Wong keeps audiences either falling in love or hovering on the edge of their seats. Working hard to make his videos new and fresh Michael has created two short films that bring longer movies to their knees. He creates a masterpiece every time.

His nine-minute movie “The Story of 90 Coins” tells the story of how an aspiring fashion designer finds out how much a promise is worth when she has to choose between fulfilling her promise and realizing her own dream.

Starring Han Dongjun as Wang Yuyang, Zhuang Zhiqi as Chen Wen, and Jose Acosta as Andre.

Watch The Story of 90 Coins here.

“The Story of 90 Coins” unfolds through a special promise of love and happiness made by one male passionate lover to a seemingly reluctant girl. Ninety coins symbolizes ninety days the guy gives himself to convince the girl to marry him by showing her his true colors and proving his intentions. The two do in fact fall in love, but time passes and the love bubble deflates as reality falls into focus once more.

The short film has won over 60 awards from international film festivals and has been featured multiple times.

The short film reminds watchers “don’t let a promise just be a beautiful memory”. This is the story of a promise, misunderstanding, and regret. The story of 90 coins.

Visit the movies facebook here: www.facebook.com/thestoryof90coins/

On the opposite side of the spectrum, Michael Wong manages to keep audiences terrified instead of in love. His most recent short is only one minute 20 seconds. It’s so short yet holds so much terror and strong storytelling, it puts the two-hour horror films to shame.

His short film “The Tattooist” tells the terrifying tale of an unimaginable evil lurking behind the acclaimed work of a renowned tattoo studio.

Starring Wang Yanhu as The Tattooist; Lu Li as Platinum; Myra Mala as Screaming Girl; Chase Lichtenberg as Guy in Iron Maiden; Simon Shiyamba as Guy in Shackle; Mayela Magrou as Tied Up Girl; and Dan Litza as Guy Behind Bars.

Watch The Tattooist here.

The story of “The Tattooist” follows the very dark obsession of a popular tattoo artist who has intricately crafted tattoos. However, those who receive his prized masterpiece are drugged, imprisoned, and then forced to fight their fears in a race against the clock to escape.

It sounds like the perfect escape room idea.

Being relatively new, the film hasn’t won as many awards as 90 Coins, but is on the rise among horror movie enthusiasts.

Michael Wong manages to keep the audience on the edge of their seats for the shortest amounts of time. This skill helps him create a masterpiece every time.

Visit the movies facebook page here: www.facebook.com/TheTattooistMovie/

ABOUT AUDIENCE AWARDS: Audience Awards provides filmmakers with the opportunity to change the world through stories, win prizes and build an audience. Films are judged by industry professionals and the global audience. We are committed to providing a stage for diverse, emerging talent and their work. Our platform is dedicated to celebrating the power of storytelling and building an audience. Created by filmmakers, for filmmakers, Audience Awards offers an invaluable platform for exposure. Our filmmakers don’t just gain exposure – like press and social media engagement – but also opportunities to accelerate their careers. Learn More:  https://theaudienceawards.com/filmmakers


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Article by Danika Firth


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