YouTube + American Idol + Your Brand = The Audience Awards Video Contest Platform

September 2, 2015

Top 10 Reasons Brands Should Host a Video User Generated Content Contest on The Audience Awards

1. 86% of all time spent online is viewing video content. YouTube members upload 400 hours of video content an hour. Adults spend an average of 5.5 hours with video content each day. So, how do you capture an audience around your branded videos? Host a video UGC contest on The Audience Awards where filmmakers create videos for your brand and the audience chooses the winners (According to

2. Hosting a user generated contest is an amazing way to gain real feedback on what your customers are doing, who your customers are and the lens with which they view your brand. Companies pay tens of thousands of dollars for focus-groups, brand studies and market analysis. Audience Awards skips the middleman and delivers an unfiltered view into the world of your primary customers and power-users. Phew!

3. Hosting a UGC contest through The Audience Awards platform is an innovative way to get branded video content. Use the platform to affordably source a lot of short video content rather than the traditional way of hiring a production team to create one short video.

4. The Audience Awards averages 50 original branded video submissions per video contest.

5. Other platforms and apps host contests, but it’s up to your team to market the contest to fill it with submissions. The Audience Awards is a COMMUNITY of content creators who are ready and able to create quality content for your brand. The Audience Awards MARKETS your contest to filmmakers to get the word out so that you receive quality video submissions.

6. Who is going to see all of this content and how? That’s The Audience Awards differentiator. Our contest platform is social. Filmmakers’ friends show up, watch, share, vote and comment on the videos created for your brand.

7. An ad doesn’t do much these days. Work with The Audience Awards to create a contest that calls for short compelling stories related to your brand that has viral capabilities.

8. Speaking of viral, you can use the other guys all day long to get a few UGC videos. But The Audience Awards turnkey voting contest platform draws a huge crowd to your videos as the filmmakers crowd source for votes across all of their social media platforms. The Audience Awards platform is like YouTube married American Idol and the whole game is all about your brand.

9. Don’t limit yourself to one director’s point of view! How boring is that? Using The Audience Awards allows for multiple geniuses to brand your story.

10. The Audience Awards has greater video submissions, social impressions, comments and views than any other contest platform in the world .

Contact Us Today to Learn More about The Audience Awards + Your Brand.


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