1st, 2nd, & 3rd Place Winners for the Social Political Shorts Film Festival

Announcing the Winners of Audience Awards’ Social Political Shorts Film Festival!

July 3, 2019

Audience Awards received a number of submissions for our 2019 Social Political Shorts Film Festival. Through a process of receiving audience votes and jurying, we’ve honed the winning results down to the Top Three Film Winners and Two Honorable Mentions.

1st Winner - Audience Awards 2019 Social Political Shorts Film Festival

HAVE IT ALL – 1st Place Shorts Film Festival Winner

– Katie Locke O’Brien, Filmmaker

Katie Locke O’Brien tickled our funny bone with her film Have it All, which creates a dynamic play out of a working mom and the perceived expectations of what that looks like.

When she became a mom, her whole world turned topsy-turvy . How could she still do what she loved and be the mom she wanted to be? Her own experience of getting back to work jumpstarted her conception of Have It All.

“I could not be more thrilled that Have It All is the 1st Place Jury Prize Winner in the Social/Political Film Festival. I made this film while I was in the throes of new motherhood, when I started to realize that the idea that women should be perfect mothers and have perfect careers — all while maintaining a fabulous blowout — is a totally impossible expectation that our culture celebrates. Luckily, a situation in which you’re set up to fail also makes for some great comedy. I wanted to make that experience part of a larger conversation, and I have loved seeing the film resonate with viewers. And now to be included in such an incredible community of filmmakers, and to have the film recognized in this way, is such an honor!” 

Congratulations to Katie Locke O’Brien for making a film that is deeply relatable to working mothers. They face the ever persistent challenge of balancing motherhood and supporting their families.

Interested in checking out more of her work? Check her out here: https://www.katielockeobrien.com/

Outside in Hanoi

OUTSIDE IN HANOI – 2nd Place Shorts Film Festival Winner

– Lucie Marcoux and Bastien Guilloteau, Filmmakers

They wowed us with their film Outside in Hanoi, which documents the challenges of migrants attempting to find a better life in Hanoi. Lucie Marcoux found her passion in international studies, while attending the Université de Montréal. Out of this passion stemmed a connection to Bastien Guilloteau, which then in turn sparked their decision to make Outside of Hanoi.

3rd Place Winner - 2019 Social Political Shorts Film Festival - Audience Awards

FACE VALUE – 3rd Place Shorts Film Festival Winner

– Chris Plimmer, Filmmaker

Chris Plimmer engaged us with his film Face Value. Imagine a person’s face was as changeable as the latest model of their cell phone. He’s currently attending school at Sheffield Hallam, and is pursuing his passion in stop-motion animation. If you are curious to see more of his work, follow him here: https://www.artstation.com/chrisplimmer


Tie, Tie Again – Mickey White, Filmmaker
Get Home Safe – Larissa Pruett, Filmmaker

About Audience Awards

Audience Awards provides filmmakers with an opportunity to submit their films to build an audience, win prizes, and gain opportunities. Films are judged by industry professionals and the global audience. We are committed to providing a stage for their diverse, emerging talent and work.

For more filmmaking opportunities visit https://theaudienceawards.com/videocontests.

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