SocialVote: Audience Awards new vote-boosting feature!

March 22, 2017

(Plus some other tips and tricks to get in the votes)
But first,
meet SocialVote:

  • The most exciting tool you now have in your arsenal = SocialVote! For a limited time, if anyone shares your film on Facebook or Twitter, using our special SocialVote Facebook/Twitter buttonsAudience Awards lets one vote count for two. Think of it as our vote on your film. It’s our gift to you, to let you know how much we believe in you and how glad we are that you’re part of our family.
  • Also, know your facts. Make sure you know the week voting takes place (it’s usually a seven-day stretch for audience votes). Also remember that your network of supporters and their network of supporters can vote every day of that week at least once a day (= 3 if you use SocialVote!). Which brings us to the next helpful tip.

  • Social media is your best friend. Blow up Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with news of your film’s competition. People see your film because you get it out there. So do it and ask your friends and family to do it too. Sharing a post is easy. Let your peeps know what it could mean for you (a spot in the final jury round, a chance to win prizes and screen at Audience Awards Film Festival in April!) You can start a Facebook group for your film and invite people to like it. This way you’ll be able to let them know the dates of voting ahead of time. Don’t forget: you can DM at least 250 people on Twitter in a 24-hour period.

  • Email the same information and ask that the email be forwarded as well. You want people to see your film. Your friends, family and coworkers want people to see your film too!

  • (This one’s pretty important): Make it easy for anyone to pass your social media message/email along. Write a short post including the link to your film, the link to vote and the info that they can vote once a day (= 3 if you use SocialVote!). Let them know they’ll be asked to register but it’s super easy. Let them know how good you feel about your film! Ask them to let you know if they’ve voted so you can be sure to thank them.

  • If you have a blog, great. You can ask your fellow bloggers to write a post on your behalf or you can offer to write it for them to publish. If you’ve been a helper, you’ll probably be helped in return.

  • You can always request a Filmmaker Spotlight on AudNews. Our writing staff takes great care in writing about our filmmakers and their contest entries. It gives you a link to a well-respected forum where you and your film are praised for your efforts, whatever those efforts may be. And it gives our staff the chance to get to know you and your work a bit better.

Good luck! We’re on your side!


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