What is Curated Video Content & How To Curate Video Content

April 17, 2020

How do you curate video content during coronavirus? Video internet traffic has surged. With so much video and all of us relying on connecting through social media, how do brands stay relevant and attract attention?

The busy period for streaming in households would normally last around four hours on a weekday evening, that’s now risen to as much as 10 hours a day. But don’t worry, experts say that we can handle it, at least for now. In a world of TikTok, YouTube, Quibi, and social media, how does a company stay relevant and know how to attract attention?

Start with Video Content Curation

“Video Curation” is increasingly becoming a top-notch tactic for gaining exposure and driving engagement without sacrificing quality. But what exactly is video curation and why it is important? Let’s find out!

Videos are huge. Internet surges during coronavirus are due to people watching video at home for entertainment and social video on their mobile phones that are connected to home internet. According to Cisco, global consumer Internet video traffic will account for a staggering 82% of all consumer Internet traffic by 2021. Yes, that’s ’80’ not ’18’! With coronavirus and everyone sheltered in place, we bet that is even higher.

Videos have a way of getting messages across effectively. It’s been proven time and again that we are visual creatures. In fact, 90% of the information sent to the brain is visual. Studies have shown that people only remember as little as 20% of what they read and just 10% of what they hear. However, people remember 80% of what they see! Amazing isn’t it?!

Want to become a content curation pro? You’ve come to the right place.

We’ll go through how to source and share great content on social media. Content that your audience will like, comment on, and share with their followers (exposing your brand to a wider audience).

But, before we get to the whys and hows of content curation…

Everybody loves videos!

The rise of videos opens up huge opportunities for businesses and marketers. Businesses are leveraging the power of video marketing to gain attention and stay on the customer’s top of mind. Check out these mind-blowing video stats

The customers, too, are enjoying these videos.

It’s safe to say that everybody loves videos. However, creating high quality, engaging and visually appealing videos takes a lot of time, effort, and resources; things that almost all businesses are short on.

You either stop creating videos (bad idea) or create videos after long intervals (equally bad idea). If you do not regularly create and put out high-quality content out there, your customers and prospects might have to go elsewhere to feed their content hunger. Lucky for you, there’s a third option- Video Curation.

What is video content curation?

It’s adding your voice (and value) to a handpicked collection of content. Gathered from a variety of sources, around a specific topic, that you publish and share with your fans. Wherever they may be.

Simple, right?

Yet, many do this without a video marketing strategy.

But not you.

After reading this article you’ll be more equipped (and excited) when scrolling through your content feed.

Sharing is caring, right?

6 key benefits of curating video content

Because living in the information age demands people to manage, organize, and share information with others. Efficiently.

What we know, how we manage what we know, sharing it with others—these are all keys to the info-game.

Let’s get specific…

1. Be recognized as an expert

Perhaps numero uno for curating and sharing content. Others build an impression of your business by what shows before their eyes. So then…

Be deliberate about what you want fans and followers to think of your brand.

Be it on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest and all the usual suspects. Curation content is one aspect of your stay-on-top-of-mind campaign for being seen as an expert in your field.

2. Share something excellent created for you.

That’s right.

Creating (vs curating) content is a required piece of your content marketing strategy. However, writing blog posts, making YouTube videos, or Snapchatting takes time and energy.

You got the time and budget for that? Yes? Great, do that, too. And…

Get your customers to create video for you.

It keeps the conversation going and tells the world why your customers love you.

3. Show you’re in the game

By showing and sharing what’s important for your business. Every time people see you their feeds and screens, it’s another notch in their yup-she’s-in-the-game.

Also, it gets old when companies post only their own stuff. Comes off as “me, me, me.”

As a social curator, you’re better than that, right? Right?

4. Grow your network

When helping others, others help you.

Sharing and curating content can help you make connections with leaders and influencers in your industry. And, spark conversation with your social media audience in general.

5. Grow your business

If you got something worth saying, created or curated, you’ve got people’s attention.

The more you share, the more eyeballs you attract. Use this as your e-carrot to hook them in to say, your email list.

6. Stay informed

For all the above… it’s about them. But what about you?

Curating and sharing content keeps you on your business-toes.

Spending time finding, sifting, and reading pieces across the web, for your industry, helps you learn more about your business.

Those are some of the whys of content curation. On to the hows…

Easy Video Creation to Curate Video to the Rescue!

Video curation refers to the art of finding the best videos on a topic, compiling them, and sharing your findings with others. A video curator spends hours finding the best of the best from the plethora of videos out there and shares it with his/her audience.

Since a majority of people out there don’t have the time or the resources to create original videos every day, video curation makes sure that there’s always something to share!

The easiest way to do it? Activate a network of content creators and your customers to create affordable video at scale for you to share.


AudNews is the official blog for AudPop.com. AudPop provides filmmakers opportunities to advance their career, a short film library of 10,000+ titles, and a video marketing platform to provide video marketing services for brands, small businesses, nonprofits, studios, and distributors.


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