Congratulations to the Kodak Super 8 Filmmaking Challenge Winners

December 29, 2015


FLASHBACK Jury Selections:

Directed by Renato Coelho

The Downward Carrousel 
(Emerging Filmmaker)
Directed by Laura Nai

FLASHBACK Audience Awards Selections:

1st Place:
Tulum City of Dawn 
Directed by Irving Gamboa

2nd Place:
Red Is Dead 
Directed by Dianne Ouellette

3rd Place:
Directed by Giuliana Monteiro


POV Jury Selections:

A Lens In Time 
Directed by Mike Rooney

Day Go By – Karen O
(Emerging Filmmaker)
Directed by Vanessa Hollander

POV Audience Awards Selections:

1st Place:
The Novel 
Directed by Pablo Madrid Lopez


2nd Place:
Other Side 
Directed by Steve Darby


3nd Place:
MR. MAN Trailer
Directed by Haven Nutt



ACTION Jury Selections:

The Farm 
Directed by Jimmy Jazz James

Triplet Plastico 
(Emerging Filmmaker)
Directed by Ignacio Tamarit

ACTION Audience Awards Selections:

1st Place: 
Lights And Shadows _ O’Shea 
Directed by Hunter O’Shea

2nd Place: 
A Lovecraftian Dream
Directed by Nacho Jauregui

3rd Place:
Say Hello

Directed by Patrick Christian
*Corrected 12/29/2015 Crediting Director Renato Coelho for Flashback Jury Selection Winner Train.
The Audience Awards provides filmmakers opportunities to create short video content for brands and win money. Sign up today for your free account and join film’s community.


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