Filmmaker Blogs Worth Following: Coat of Arms

October 19, 2016

Coat of Arms

 What topics do you cover in Coat of Arms?

 We cover a wide range of topics on our blog. The majority of the content gives a transparent look at our creative and technical processes. This includes technical details, tips and tricks for other industry professionals, and behind-the-scenes interviews that share knowledge and open discussions with the community. We ocassionally write about larger issues like work/life balance and when to work for free. Our hope is the blog can become a place where professionals of all backgrounds can come to learn, discuss and educate one another.  We certainly don’t claim to do everything right, but try to share authentic takeaways from the work we do and hope to learn better ways of working from our followers as well. It’s really a conversation.

Coat of Arms

How did you get your filmmaking start?

In Junior High, a group of friends and I would create films after school and on weekends. All horrible, embarrassing stuff now. This led to us creating a film club when we were in High School.  When I went to college I didn’t know filmmaking could be a profession, so I studied to become a psychologist. Half-way through I decided to focus on film and came out of college saying yes to everything I could when it came to film, commercials or corporate work. I was a production assistant for a while, then an assistant producer. My roles expanded to producer and production manager where I then started editing my projects to save money. And realized it was my true passion. This is around the time when I would consider myself having become a professional in the industry. It was a winding road to some degree, but all the experiences were invaluable.Coat of Arms

How long has your blog been around?

 Coat of Arms Chicago Post Production was created in 2010. We updated our website and started the blog in May of 2011. But our articles really expanded in 2012.

Coat of Arms

What are popular subjects that you write on?

The creative process, project workflows, and best methods for collaboration. We also ocassionally share technical tips ranging from digital storage, editing tips and techniques, and collaborative softwares to use.

Coat of Arms

What is the most important thing filmmakers should take away from your blog?

There is no one right way to be creative & successful. We all fail, make mistakes and are constantly growing. And ultimately our industry is one that should be collaborative. Sharing ideas and best practices is a big way to enhance each other and our industry overall. If you do well as an artist, others can too. Wish well for your creative partners, competitors and assistants. It’s important to be a positive force, regardless of your skill-level, experience-level, or job title.  I’d also add that we’re always open to suggestions, new ideas and discussion.
Coat of Arms
Here’s a link to our recent animated short:
A fun video we recently created for Google:

Check out, like, and subscribe!

We recently expanded our website with more content and branding. Here are some new pages and artwork:
Coat of Arms

For other Filmmaker blogs worth following take a look!

Director’s Notes

The Beat


Noam Kroll

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