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What is an Explainer Video?: Everything You Need to Know - AudPop
What is an Explainer Video?: Everything You Need to Know

What is an Explainer Video?: Everything You Need to Know

June 20, 2022

What is an Explainer Video, and why does your business need one?

People don’t have the time to research a product, comparing specs and prices. They want a clear and to-the-point video that tells them what they want to know and what’s best.

An explainer video allows you to reach potential clients with ease and effectiveness. You can grab their attention while simultaneously giving pertinent information about your company’s product or service. Explainer videos are eye-catching and short. They don’t mess around because they get straight to the point. And they work for any product or service because you can tailor your explainer video to deliver your specifics.


What is an Explainer Video?

Explainer videos are marketing videos that explain what your business does. As said above, they are short and to the point. If you sell a product, an explainer video gives information about your product and why someone needs to purchase it. If you sell a service, an explainer video offers information about your service and why someone needs it. But it’s not just about giving information and explaining. It’s all about delivery and presentation.

Basically, an explainer video delivers information in a highly-efficient and effective way for potential customers to digest quickly. Not only will they understand what your product or service is about, but they are 64% more likely to purchase your product or service. Now, that’s an uptick in sales. All because you produced a short, catchy video. 

The way people collect and process information has changed over the years. How many people watch online videos every week? Would you be surprised to hear that it’s 78%? How about every day? That’s still more than half, at 55%.


What do Explainer Videos mean for the future?

The future of marketing is changing, and brands and companies need to jump on the video-content train, especially since 54% of people want more video content. Not only does your audience want more video content, but they also retain 95% more of what they watch, remembering it later, which is critical when converting a viewer to a customer.

Converting a viewer to a customer on the spot is excellent and an ideal way to get business done, but it’s not always what happens. Instead, you get a potential lead, which is another great benefit of explainer videos since your qualified leads each year increase by 66% when using video marketing.

Did you know you can increase your conversion rate by almost 80% when you put a video on your landing page? That’s substantial and says a lot about how important video content is for growing your marketing footprint.

Explainer videos are ideal for many reasons. They are video content that hits the mark from the get-go, but they are also engaging, informative, and short. More and more, people prefer to watch a video over television. These statistics cover all age groups, so whatever your brand, product, or service, you can benefit from utilizing the power and ease of sharing explainer videos.

Want to make an Explainer Video?

So you’ve decided to make an explainer video. That’s great, but where do you go, how do you get it done, and what type do you choose? Currently, there are seven types of explainer videos you can pick, and sometimes you’ll mix types to get the right feel and delivery mechanism for your company.

Whiteboard explainer videos used to be the hit, but now explainer videos encompass way more, and really there’s no limit to what you can do. The main thing about choosing which type of explainer video you wish to make is considering what you want to convey and the best way to execute that information.

For some companies, a typed narrative with voiceover may work best, or cartoon characters fit better with the company’s goals, keeping it light and comedic. You could choose a more serious note and include graphs, stats, and flowcharts. Or you could do live-action, showcasing what’s happening behind your company’s doors. We’ve included a list below of the different types of explainer videos.

7 Types of Explainer Videos

  • Commercial Explainer Video – A quick and packed full of information video that explains the what and how of your product or service. Another term used would be branding-oriented video.
  • Live-action – A behind-the-scenes short giving a peek into what happens at your company. You may interview your CFO or include testimonials.
  • Kinetic Typography Animation – This is a typed narrative with voiceover, so people can listen as they read along. Some animation is included to explain your product or service.
  • Whiteboard Explainer Video – These videos assimilate drawings onto a whiteboard-like screen. Your company, product, or service is told through voiceover with music.
  • 2D Animation – Cartoon characters tell your story with music and voiceover.
  • Infographic – You’d use numbers, stats, flowcharts, illustrations, and graphs to explain your company, product, or service.
  • 3D Animation – This video is similar to 2D Animation but is more engaging, with more flare and a bigger budget.


What should an Explainer Video include?

Certain elements need to be included in an Explainer Video. For one, you need a compelling script. Your script needs to be spot on and engaging. Boring is definitely not allowed. You’ll need to hire the right scriptwriter to ensure the information you’re trying to convey is delivered well. The narration needs to pop and stick in the minds of your audience. 

Another valuable element is music, so definitely take time choosing the musical composition for your explainer video. Even if the music is limited to the background, supplemental to narration and visuals, it still needs to be memorable. And if it can be catchy enough to stay with your audience when they’re not watching your explainer video, even better.

Narration carries a lot of weight when it comes to your explainer video. If you’re adding voiceover to your explainer video, make sure your narrator’s voice is actively pulling people into your video. Monotonous and dry won’t cut it. If you’re doing a typed narrative, make sure your script is spot on because you won’t have the added benefit of inflection and voice to help engage your audience.

It’s helpful if you have an incredible story to tell. Still, even if nothing overly compelling happened when you developed your product, service, or when you started your business, it doesn’t matter. What matters is how your story is told. 

Five on Black - What is an Explainer Video?: Everything you Need to Know

Five on Black Explainer Video


What are the Benefits of Explainer Videos?

The benefits of explainer videos are resounding.

Explainer videos are eye-catching. There’s no argument there. Even if your explainer video is lacking in high quality, being that it’s a video, it’ll still grab people’s attention. The trick is whether your explainer video can keep your audience’s attention. The better your video, the more likely they will finish and purchase your product or service. And remember, “72.3% of the total US population is actively us[ing] social media,” which adds up to 240 million people potentially watching your video. And if you include the global audience of 4.48 billion using social media, you’re hitting a potentially lucrative mark by using an explainer video on your social media and email campaigns.

They quickly convey your product or service. Keeping an explainer video length within 30-seconds or less is ideal. Not only will you have a better chance of keeping your audience engaged, but your explainer video will deliver information that ultimately can convert your audience into a customer, which is always the goal.

They love it. They share it. Short explainer videos are quick and easy to share on any social media platform, and people nowadays are all about sharing what they like. Get this, “the average social media user engages with an average of 6.6 various social media platforms.” Imagine how many times your explainer video could be shared across multiple social media platforms because one person liked your video. Now imagine several million people liking your video and sharing it. The possibilities are limitless.


Why are Explainer Videos Important?

There are reasons why explainer videos are important. They maintain the storyline of what you’re trying to convey and deliver it succinctly to your audience, increasing engagement and purchasing power. They are an effective communication tool that you shouldn’t pass up. Explainer videos rank higher in Google search results, especially if your explainer video is SEO friendly. And besides that, they are the best possible way to engage your audience since “4.48 billion people currently use social media worldwide.” If your company is not on social media posting phenomenal, engaging imagery and video, you’re missing potential customers.

Explainer videos can be added to emails and have a 51% conversion rate. Also, people prefer to learn from videos–68%, actually. That means more than half of the people who visit your site or receive your email marketing prefer to watch a video to get the information they need or want. Couple that with the fact that there’s been a 52% increase in the average number of hours people watch online videos per week, and you’ve got a pot of gold.

But knowing that and implementing a compelling explainer video are two different things. That’s why we need to tell you more about what we at AudPop do. We are your go-to video marketing agency and can deliver an excellent, high-quality explainer video that works with your company’s budget.


How can AudPop help you make an Explainer Video?

AudPop is set and ready to help you generate great content and video for your explainer video. We can tap into our 75K global video creatives to help you develop the best explainer video for your company, and you’ll receive authentic and original work. Our creatives include filmmakers, screenwriters, social media creators, producers, influencers, musicians, videographers, actors/actresses, voiceover professionals, animators, and more. We can connect you with high-quality, authentic content through these out-of-this-world creatives.

Known for creating eye-catching videos.

Not only do we have the ability and know-how to produce fantastic videos ourselves and deliver them to our clients. We also have several thousand creatives within our community, which we can directly hire to fit any client’s needs. Additionally, we create brand-specific challenges and contests that engage our creatives to produce videos tailored to a brand’s marketing strategy. We have many options and a range of pricing structures to meet any brand’s budget.

Can quickly convey your product or service through video.

Our years of experience enable us to produce high-quality video that precisely conveys what our clients want within the required time frame. Our creative community includes scriptwriters, narrators, actors/actresses, filmmakers, animators, and more. Not only that, our AudPop team is highly experienced, creative, and diverse, based in New York City, Los Angeles, Paris, DC, Montana, London, and Phoenix.

Adept at telling serious messages.

Due to our long-time filming experience and delivery of stories to the world, we are adept at telling serious messages. We know how to get to the heart of what needs to be said and how to deliver it. We can help you assess how best to tell your brand’s story.

Several cost-effective options.

We have several options that allow any company to work with us and still produce high-quality video without compromising their budget. Give us a call, and we can sit down and discuss your options. You won’t need to piecemeal a team together. We can pull from our creative team, create a video contest to collect video submissions, or call on one of our Premium Creatives to meet your requirements. Once you hire us, we’ll take care of the rest.

Premium Creatives at your disposal.

These Premium Creatives have submitted their work to our in-house committee, which evaluated and determined that it meets our high standards. This premium list is our go-to for direct-contact jobs.

Check out this Ad & Narrative Reel by one of our Premium Creators, Dustin Murphy, that showcases examples of explainer videos that use a mixture of video, numbers, voiceover, music, and typed narrative.



Now, why do you need an Explainer Video?

Explainer videos are essential for any business to explain what they sell because they effectively deliver pertinent information about a product or service in a few seconds. They are eye-catching and easy to share on social media and email campaigns.

And as was mentioned earlier, adding explainer videos to emails has a 51% conversion rate. Combine that with the 52% increase in the average number of hours people spend watching online videos, and you’ve created a dynamic duo of success.

The challenge in putting your best explainer video on the internet is the creation and production, which can cost time and money. That’s where AudPop comes in.

AudPop has 75K global and diverse creatives in its community, coming from a multitude of countries around the globe. We can generate content for your explainer video with ease. Looking for the best scriptwriter? No worries, we’ve got you covered. What about actors or actresses, filmmakers, directors, producers, or animators? Our community is stock full.

Reach out and join AudPop. Let us help you find the content and creatives you need to generate the best explainer video for your business. Allow us to help you expand your business through content production strategies tailored to your project scope. We provide managed services, video-contest marketing, and original content production partnership, and we have several cost-effective options that can accommodate your budget. We can quickly convey your product or service through high-quality, eye-catching video. Don’t hesitate. Reach out now.




At AudPop, we’re filmmakers, designers, marketers, strategists, and writers. But mostly, we’re dreamers! Dreamers who believe stories can change the world. Our mission at AudPop is to connect partners with creators. Filmmakers with partners. Audiences with authentic stories to facilitate collaboration and change.

How do we do that exactly? It’s simple.

If you’re a partner or agency looking to create original premium video content, we’ve got you. We can connect you with over 75,000 diverse and talented filmmakers. Are you a filmmaker ready to share your stories with the world? We can connect you with partners and audiences hungry for quality, authentic content. Do you want to watch quality video content with real stories? We have over 12,000 videos from filmmakers from 190 countries. All with unique stories to tell.

Dreams start here—and together, we can make them come true. Check out AudPop.


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