Introducing Filmmaker Louis Russell

February 4, 2015

 Who are you and what’s your filmmaking background?

My name is Louis Russell and I’m from London. I studied Film and Media at University of the Arts London. After graduating, my first independent short film Ett Hopp (A Jump) won Best Foreign Language Short at the London International Film Festival 2013, and received numerous nominations such as Talented New Director Award and Best Director of a Foreign Language Film at the St Tropez International Film Festival 2014.  Ett Hopp was also featured on Eurochannel as part of their Youth in Europe program.

 What are you working on right now?

Two feature film screenplays. I’m a fan of crime thrillers and drama, particularly about youth culture.

 What are you promoting?

My follow-up short film Kerstin Ström based on a short story by Jens Lapidus, author of the successful Snabba Cash (Easy Money) Trilogy. It is also an Official Selection of the 2015 Gothenburg Film Festival.


What do you want the audience to take away from your films?

An experience that sticks with you.

What are your wildest dreams for your filmmaking career?

To create my own TV series!

 What currently inspires you?

Any kind of art, whether it’s paintings, drawings, or music and lyrics. The voices of those who want to say something meaningful to the world.

What’s your best advice for an aspiring filmmaker?

Just keep making films, no matter the scale or budget or how good or bad they are, just always aspire to do better. Think of yourself forever as a learner and this is your craft.

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