Presenting Filmaker Mike Chinea competing in Kodak Super 8 POV

December 28, 2015

How did you get inspired to become a filmmaker?

The magic of movies made everything possible.

What is your favorite part about the short film form?

You can tell your story is a compressed time form and working with limited or no budgets you can have your project in the can before crews and cast have to go back to their day jobs or paying gigs.

Who were the people that supported the making of this film?

Director-writer Ben Ramsey, leading lady Rosemarie Li and leading man Eliezer Ortiz, my son Matthew, Marcie Segura and her husband Joseluis Renteria, DP Larry Costales, David Luna soundmixer, the artists who lend us their art and personas Susan ‘Susie Cue’ Molina, Edmundo Duran, Oscar Navarro, and Nicole Fornier. Paula Myer and her husband Michael Robinson, Sweden Aleong, Julia Protasova, Kyle Burbank, Megan Ruf, Jeanette Da Duck, Adrian Tafoya, Lisa Zion, Lori McCarty, and a hundred other persons.

Still from "TheArtPatron"

Still from “TheArtPatron”

What is your next project?

A musical comedy with an eclectic mix of genres. Something like SCHOOL OF ROCK meets PITCH PERFECT.

The independent film business is a difficult one. What keeps you motivated? Where do you see the industry going in the future?

Sustainability is getting harder and harder to achieve so you better love what you’re doing. On the other hand the demand for content and the avenues for exhibition never been greater. Amazon, Netflix, YouTube and others have audiences with an insatiable thirst for new content. Those who can define and acquire an audience will have the upper hand. When movies made on a smart phone are getting seen what’s your and mine excuse?

Which filmmakers, artists or individuals have most influenced your work?

Jim Jarmusch, Cassavetes, Scorsese, Hitchcock, and Cheech and Chong.

What advice would you give new filmmakers?

Stay true to your passion and never quit.

 Any other info?

I’ve done most everything in the industry except hair and make-up. Still looking for those creatives that are bent on world domination and making great spaghetti.

Watch and Vote for TheArtPatron, competing in Kodak Super 8 POV Video Contest.

Watch Mike Chinea’s other work here.

Visit his IMDB page here. 

The Audience Awards provides filmmakers opportunities to create short video content for brands and win money. Sign up today for your free account and join film’s community.



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