Presenting Logan Irish, a Real Montana Finalist

April 26, 2015

What about Montana inspired you to create your short?

The Hobnob is one of those places that is so unique and is always packed! I wanted to do something that would showcase the unique flavors for years to come.

What other videos competing in Real Montana did you enjoy and why?

Screen shot from Hobnob Cafe, a short film by Logan Irish

Screen shot from Hobnob Cafe, a short film by Logan Irish

I really enjoyed the Biga Pizza video for its characters and cinematography. There’s a story there that leaves you wanting more.

What is your next project?

We will be working together with Bob Wards to produce an outdoors series.

What do you plan to do with the prize money if you win?

Any prize money gained in these events will go to talented filmmakers and actors in our future series.

Watch Logan Irish’s film “Hobnob Cafe” and vote for it in the Real Montana Finals.

Follow Logan Irish’s career at The Audience Awards, and check out his website!

The Audience Awards is film’s social network connecting audiences to films, filmmakers, film schools and film festivals. The Audience Awards hosts short film competitions where the audience chooses the best films.


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