Presenting the Love Shorts Video Contest Winners!

March 9, 2016

2016 Love Shorts Video Contest has come to a close! 24 Films competed for a total of $800, exposure and prestige. Click on the image or the film name to view the best!

Filmmaker Danielle Orbach’s “Seamless Love Audience Awards Winner First Place $300

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Filmmaker Danielle Orbach’s “Seamless Love”

“The Audience Awards is a valuable platform for aspiring filmmakers like myself to be able to share our work with one another and the public. The audience plays a big part in entertainment; you need to find that balance between sharing the story you want to share, but also telling a story that audiences will enjoy. The Audience Awards creates an interactive environment between the films and its audience that allows you to instantly see what works and what doesn’t. I am honored to have had Seamless Love be a part of it.” ~Danielle Orbach,

Filmmaker Richard Mone’s “Pointless” Audience Awards Winner Second Place $150

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Filmmaker Richard Mone’s “Pointless”

“I’m really excited to have placed in my second straight contest through this wonderful site! What are my thoughts? Well, the value of contests like these is truly never-ending. The best part is getting to see that more than just my friends and family are voting for and viewing the films I submit. Looking in the “Audience” section of the website and seeing people I’ve never met before having voted for my film (and possibly even viewed it) makes me appreciate more the work I can create, and, help me understand that my audience that I thought I was creating for is even larger than expected. I know that these same people will want more, and through contests and platforms such as the ones I’ve participated in, I can continue to get the word out about myself and the actors, actresses, and other talented individuals I work with. The main goal I have when I make films such as Pointless is to entertain people. Even if those people at first are just my mom, my sister, and a few friends, I know that they will tell their friends and they in turn will tell their friends. Contests I find through The Audience Awards allows that process to expand exponentially, with 100 people viewing my films, then they in turn tell their friends. It can only go up from here!”  ~Richard Mone

 Filmmaker Harrison Bryan’s “The Reacharound” Audience Awards Winner Third Place $50

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Filmmaker Harrison Bryan’s “The Reacharound”

“The Audience Awards afforded us new avenues for our film to be experienced online and we encountered a number of exciting up-and-coming filmmakers in the process.” ~Harrison Bryan

Filmmaker Sara Fletcher’s “The Girl in the Green Dress” First Place Jury winner $150 Site credit

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Filmmaker Sara Fletcher’s “The Girl in the Green Dress”

“The Audience Awards is a great place for filmmakers to feature their work and support other fellow creators.  We were so honored to have been selected as 1st Place Jury Award for our short film: The Girl in the Green Dress.  As someone in the indie world, any and all exposure is welcome; and The Audience Awards does a lovely job of providing a platform for audiences to actually see your work!” ~Sara Fletcher

 Filmmaker David Tembleque’s “Dear Tom” Second Place Jury winner $100 site credit

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Filmmaker David Tembleque’s “Dear Tom”

Filmmaker Denver Jackson’s “Cloudrise” Third Place Jury winner $50 Site credit

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Filmmaker Denver Jackson’s “Cloudrise”

“The Audience Award has been a great platform not only to submit films but to be inspired by other works on the site! I am consistently watching all the amazing films that are being submitted and it fuels my creativity. Thank you for having such a great platform for artists and filmmakers!” ~Denver Jackson

View and Submit to upcoming contests here!

Congratulations to all of the winners! You can watch all of the competing films in 2016 Love Shorts Video Contest here!

 The Audience Awards provides filmmakers opportunities to create short video content for brands and win money. Sign up today for your free account and join film’s community.


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