Ronnie Hein On His Son’s, New York City Horror Film Festival

November 12, 2014

Ronnie Hein,  has taken over his son Michael J. Hein’s brainchild, The New York City Horror Film Festival, since Michael passed away in 2011. Michael founded the film festival 13 years ago and he did everything in the realm of filmmaking: working as a Producer, Director, Screenwriter and working in Special Effects as a Make-up Artist. Michael produced and directed multiple movies through his company Moodude Films, including: The Word, Blood Rails, Red Hook, Dead Serious, Biohazardous, Cyclone, This is How My Brother Died, and Killer Shorts Parts 1 & 2.

The New York City Horror Film Festival is held every year at the Tribeca Film Center in downtown Manhattan and is recognized as America’s largest genre film festival.

AudNews: What is the story behind NYC Horror Film Festival?

Hein: My son Michael J. Hein started the festival in 2001. He saw a distinct lack of any serious genre based film festivals at that time, and thought it would be a fun event to organize. His main inspiration was a need for a horror film festival with serious industry attendance. He wanted filmmakers to be seen, not just by the horror fans, but also by people who actually buy movies for distribution.The very first NYC Horror Film Festival took place at Tribeca Cinemas with Mr. George Romero receiving our Lifetime Achievement Award.

Screen Shot 2014-10-27 at 11.30.30 AM

Rob Zombie accepting a Life Time Achievement Award. Photo courtesy of Diabolique Magazine.

AudNews:What is unique about the festival?

Hein: You cannot run a film festival without some pretty dedicated people. Thats what truly makes the NYC Horror Film Festival so unique–the dedication of everyone involved in the full year of planning even though they all have families, jobs etc. They are not just staff, they are our festival family.

AudNews: What is most rewarding about directing the festival?

Hein: We lost Michael in July 2011 and even though I worked with him from the very beginning, I made a promise that I would do everything in my power to keep his dream alive. So, his passion became mine, and the NYC Horror Film Festival continues.

For information regarding tickets and the 2014 NYC Horror Film Festival, visit


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