Introducing Filmmaker Travis Sickler Competing in Music, Film and Video Contest

May 19, 2016

How did you get inspired to become a filmmaker?

After becoming a business owner I started toying with video creation to advertise my business. After I created my first successful marketing video and the response I received from the public, I was hooked. I started creating a few for some clients as well! I’m so impressed with Audience Awards that now I want to be part of this contest they have!

What is your favorite part about the short film form?

I’m not selective when it comes to film it just needs to hold my attention with the story.

Who were the people that supported the making of this film?

Me, Myself, and I!

Travis Sickler

“Don’t Go” by Travis Sickler

What resources do you use as a filmmaker? Music, locations, props, editing, crew, etc.

I shoot with a Cannon DLsr camera. I have a sound rig, lighting and green screen that comes in handy…. Editing my work I use film editing software and to create my music I have a home studio equipped with everything I need to create a perfect video for me!

What is your next project?

My inspiration is leaning towards an animation piece…

The independent film business is a difficult one. What keeps you motivated? Where do you see the industry going in the future?

I’m going to create what’s in my mind and soul and put it out for the world to see and not worry about what happens next. The only thing that keeps me motivated, is to keep flowing the idea out of me cuz if I can’t my spirit gets congested….

Which filmmakers, artists or individuals have most influenced your work?

It’s hard to list specific individuals for influence. I’m going to stay true to what I believe: my own identity, ideas, and inspirations… I fear if I think to much of influential artists my work will get one sided. I want me to be me.

What advice would you give new filmmakers?

I’m too much of a beginner to give advice….. I have no professional training and I’ve learned on my own but the one thing that keeps me propelling forward is the passion I have for creating something that can be watched or looked at that in turn will provoke a response from someone. That is what does it for me.

My work can be seen on Facebook under PainterPlus in Pierre, SD and

Watch and vote for Don’t Go  competing in 2016 Music Film & Video Contest.

The Audience Awards provides filmmakers opportunities to create short video content for brands and win money. Sign up today for your free account and join film’s community.


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