Introducing Filmmaker Amy Goddard Competing in Love Shorts Video Contest

February 19, 2016

Amy Goddard, How did you get inspired to become a filmmaker?

When I went back to work after years home raising my kids, I wanted to jump back in with a bang. Writing and shooting my own work felt like a great way to re-enter a market that looked really different than it did when I stepped away several years ago. I was scared – and had to battle a lot of voices ( mostly internal) that said I was too old, or it was too late etc. But I wanted to show myself, and I wanted to show my kids, that if you want something you can make it happen.

What is your favorite part about the short film form?

A well done short is like a good poem – it captures you instantly. Like all films a short takes you on a journey that has a beginning, a middle, and an end, but the constraints of the medium force the essence of the story to the surface immediately. The story is told in the most distilled way yet nothing can feel like it’s missing. And I love the challenge of that.

Who were the people that supported the making of this film?

One of the hardest parts of making Another Day With You was the very act of saying yes to myself because I knew that as soon as I did that I was going to need help. Asking for help is not easy for me. As soon as I conceived the first episode’s story arc and understood the relationship I wanted to put on the screen I knew I wanted Bob Clendenin, an old friend and obviously fantastic actor to play Bob ( which is why I named the character Bob) I asked him to lunch and gave him the 3 scripts I had written. He said “yes” at the table but I said “go home and read them and then tell me if it’s a real yes after that.” Then I got into my car and shed a tear or 2 because I had been so scared to ask him to do this ( Bob is a working actor with a family to support and he knew I couldn’t pay him) and his instant yes was so generous and amazing. When his post-read “yes” came in that afternoon, I knew we were really going to do this. I immediately called Greg Van Horn, a long time friend from my early theater days in LA and a real pro. Will you produce and direct a few episodes? He gave an enthusiastic yes and he was the one who got most of our crew together. This project would not have happened without Greg. Laurie Leitzel, producer and actress was my next call. Laurie could literally run the world so as soon as I knew she would help with logistics (insurance forms and union forms and other paper work are not my strong suit) I relaxed a little bit. With these three in place I went to my family, who had been hearing about what I was doing and wondering how it was going to affect them ( what do you mean you want to shoot a web series in the house?) My husband, a busy writer and producer, jumped on board as Executive producer and my kids were thrilled, asking only what they could do to help. Amazing.


Still from Amy Goddard's "Another Day With You Ep. 5 More Sex at Home"

Still from Amy Goddard’s “Another Day With You Ep. 5 More Sex at Home”

What resources do you use as a filmmaker? Music, locations, props, editing, crew, etc.

We shot in my house, in an office where one of our crew worked during the week and in friend’s driveways. I bought costumes at Ross and the Salvation Army and Goodwill as our prop department. Laurie’s husband Chip Smith is a professional musician and composer and he wrote our wonderful theme. Many members of our crew came from Chapman University. We got them because Production Designer Christie Davis had a nephew in the film school. He worked with us and brought several amazing friends. Other crew members were friends and professional colleagues or, like our editor Dane Collier, were recommended by someone someone had worked with.

What is your next project?

I am an actress for hire as well so my next project will be the next job I get! I have a tiny roll in The Nice Guys which comes out in May. I got to work opposite Ryan Gosling which was dreamy. Yes, he is as cute in person and even nicer than he is cute. And I very much hope to continue the adventures of Amy and Bob.

The independent film business is a difficult one. What keeps you motivated? Where do you see the industry going in the future?

One of my biggest motivators is my kids. I want them to know that with hard work and amazing people anything is possible. The entertainment business is my family business and things are changing rapidly in every area. Advancing technology and multiple platforms for distribution make it easier for you to create work and have it seen BUT they also mean there is a lot of stuff floating around out there. I think it’s important to get really clear about who you want to reach and I’ve though a lot about who I want to see my stories. I think they have wide appeal but I am deeply gratified when someone over 40 reaches out to tell me how much they liked something and I’m motivated by how many people have said how much they relate to Amy and Bob. There’s not a lot of stuff out there, especially on the web, for people over 40. I really want to bring stories to that demographic.

Which filmmakers, artists or individuals have most influenced your work?

Lucy Ball, Larry David and Louis C. K.

What advice would you give new filmmakers?

Do every single thing you can to learn the business. Get coffee, run errands, do the work to learn how things get made. Then trust yourself and tell your stories.

Anything else?

Another Day With You is an official selection of LAweb fest and we are very honored to be nominated for “best ensemble cast”

All 5 episodes of Another Day With You are available on Vimeo.

Watch and vote for Another Day With You Ep. 5 More Sex at Home competing in 2016 Love Shorts Video Contest.

The Audience Awards provides filmmakers opportunities to create short video content for brands and win money. Sign up today for your free account and join film’s community.


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