Social Media Engagement: Video Contests.

Social Media Engagement: Video Contests. Eyeballs no longer equal dollar signs. The new digital age brings remarkable benefits along with herculean challenges to marketing directors looking for new ways to engage their fans. With the mouth of the brand-megaphone...

The Evolution of User Generated Content

Behavioral Psychology: It’s human nature to share. Sharing ideas, sharing stories and sharing experiences. In the book Into The Wild, by Jon Krakauer, one of the last journal entries of Chris McCandless during his time in the Alaskan wilderness read “happiness is only...

Goodbye Focus Groups. Hello User Generated Content:

Goodbye Focus Groups. Hello User Generated Content:   The formulaic steps in orchestrating a  focus group are nauseating. Considering the time, energy and resources required can be overwhelming for companies of any size. According to the Athena Group, the average...

‘Birdman’ Wins Four Oscars, Including Best Picture

Featured image courtesy of LA Times. Alejandro G. Iñárritu was clad in Oscar night's oddest but most successful lucky charm. The Birdman director joked that he was wearing his star Michael Keaton's "tighty-whities" from the film, yet it was all good because his dark...

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