Can the average American make a plastic gun? It’s hard not to appreciate a film that employs superhero gadgets to introduce a debate about whether or not people should be able to make their own guns. The Power to Print likens the 3D printer to the Green Lantern’s...
‘Transformation’ – when jump-roping is extraordinary.
From ordinary to the extraordinary Transformation, directed, shot and edited by Bobby Jahrig, is a three-minute adrenaline rush. The film features Erin Williams who is, “Rope-jumping, jump-roping, rope-skipping—whatever you choose to call it.” When Erin grips her...
American Honey: Slow to Pour, But Quick to Burn
A juxtaposition of sweetness and cruelty What kind of story can a filmmaker tell in roughly eleven minutes? In writer and director Jordan Larsen’s case, a compelling tale of a girl’s deteriorating relationship with her mother. From the opening scenes of a mother and...
Bastard: Starring the Little Rock Star, Pickle
Emotionally powerful characters in real and rough circumstances. “Hit it Pickle,” Erin Hale’s, Bastard, begins like those music videos where the kids act like adults. Dillard, nicknamed Pickle, is the rock star— an adorable eight-year-old kid who just wants a little...
“The Other Side” Reminds Us How to Have Fun on the Playground
College is the ultimate cheerleader. And the Cat vs Griz Student Filmmaker Competition is a shining example of creativity worth cheering about. At 38 years old, I am currently a sophomore in college. I went back to school after having previously flunked out in...
Homewaters: As Fluid as Fish in the River
A journey through summer and the grandeur of the West. Jared Iler’s Homewaters is a fluid and poetic narrative that runs like fish in a river. It is narrated by an aging man, who reflects on his early manhood when he fished the rivers in the Absarokee mountain range...
I N T E R V A L S: Scenes of phobia and greatness
A piano player shows us how to triumph over fear Written and directed by Tom Stagg, I N T E R V A L S is based on a true story about a woman named Annie Miller, a classically trained pianist who has never performed in public due to crippling stage fright. In the first...
Mundee Morning Previews P.O.V. Doc Challenge Winner, 20/Nothing
Mundee Morning Previews P.O.V. Doc Challenge Winner, 20/Nothing
Mundee Morning Film Review – A Sexual Life
Mundee Morning reviews the short film A Sexual Life, created for the International Doc Challenge 2014.