Cootie Contagion by Joshua Smooha: Staff Pick

January 25, 2018

Staff pick film, Cootie Contagiondirected by Joshua Smooha follows Matt during a Cootie Outbreak! The disease is spreading and Matt’s at risk. Matt likes Becca, his infected science partner. Cootieologist Connor has warned Matt about the dangers of girls and will quarantine Matt if necessary. Matt has to stay away from Becca’s birthday party, or it could be the end of boy-kind as we know it.

Smooha is a Los Angeles based comedy director and writer and graduate of Florida State University’s College of Motion Picture Arts.  When Joshua isn’t writing or directing you can find him jamming on his saxophone, fighting the forces of evil, and giving the best (worst) Chrisopther Walken impression you have ever heard.

Cootie Contagion is a 2013 Student Emmy winner and a 2013 Student Academy Award Finalist. The film also won the Mister Rogers Memorial Scholarship for Development from the Emmy Foundation and was an ASC Student Heritage Award Honorable Mention.

Cootie Contagion by Joshua Smooha

Watch Cootie Contagion by Joshua Smooha

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