Introducing Filmmaker Luke Ostermiller Competing in Director’s Challenge Video Contest

January 27, 2016

How did you get inspired to become a filmmaker?

The summer before I started 6th grade, I decided I wanted to make YouTube videos. I asked my parents for a camera for my 12th birthday and they got me one. My friends and I started making goofy videos that we thought were hilarious and posted them online. As time went on we made more and more of these videos and gradually they got better and better. Thought my years in middle school I became known for my videos and started to get recognition in my tech and media classes. I realized not only that I had a real talent for film, but also that it was something I loved to do. That was the moment I knew for certain I wanted a career in film.

Still from "The Perfect Hotel"

Still from “The Perfect Hotel”

What is your favorite part about the short film form?

My favorite part about making shorts is the chance to try new things and improve your skills. With a short film, you don’t have to put in the time you would for a feature and you won’t need a big budget either. This allows you to get the fundamentals down so that you can take on bigger and bigger projects. Another huge thing short films have done for me personally is help me network. Once you find a group of people who have their own strengths in different areas and work well together, your work will really start to improve and lots of doors will start to open.

Who were the people that supported the making of this film?

My submission to the Director’s Challenge Homewood Suites by Hilton contest would not have been possible to make without the help of my sister. She’s the one you see in the ad itself and I think she did a great job. She’s had a few minor roles in some of my other work, but this is the first time she’s been a “lead”. She’s been trying to get more into acting as of lately, so I though this would be a perfect opportunity for her to get more experience and have another thing to add to her demo reel. I also need to thank my amazing girlfriend Nicole for her help with this project and my parents for their support.

Still from "The Perfect Hotel"

Still from “The Perfect Hotel”

What resources do you use as a filmmaker? Music, locations, props, editing, crew, etc.

I am very fortunate to have worked with so many talented people in my career thus far. I’m in Denver and the film community here is very tight-knit so I’ve got a lot of connections with actors and that makes it easy to find the perfect cast for any project. As far as crew, I’ve got a solid group of people I work with on almost every project. I use stock libraries for most of the sounds and music I need. The Adobe Creative Suite is my go-to for everything in post-production.

What is your next project?

At the moment, I’m editing an independent feature film and a sci-fi short, shooting a short film, producing 2 television pilots with another production company, directing an ongoing comedy webseires, casting my upcoming mafia movie (a feature film), writing a pilot for a psychological thriller show I want to make, and waiting to see what happens with prototype pilot I directed for Disney about two months ago.

The independent film business is a difficult one. What keeps you motivated? Where do you see the industry going in the future?

What keeps me motivated is my passion for creating art. I will always make films no matter what; it’s a thing I will always love doing. I think the industry today really is all about getting noticed. With the advancements in technology, more and more gear is becoming affordable enough for the average person to buy and start using. Nowadays there really isn’t one path to success anymore, since anyone can make videos and there’s a million platforms to show your work on. You just need to be the best out there so you get noticed – once you do, you’ll always have work.

Which filmmakers, artists or individuals have most influenced your work?

Directors that have influenced me include Quentin Tarantino, Christopher Nolan, David Fincher, Martin Scorsese, Peter Jackson and Ridley Scott. I would also cite Movies and TV shows like Jaws, Watchmen, Anchorman, Breaking Bad, It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Wilfred, The Office and South Park; bands/musicians such as Alice Cooper, Marilyn Manson, Slipknot, Korn, Ozzy Osbourne, Pantera, Motley Crue, Slayer and System of a Down; and author Stephen King as major influences on my artistic style.

What advice would you give new filmmakers?

The best thing to do when your first starting out is volunteer to help out on someone else’s set. That way you can see first hand what goes on behind the scenes. If you don’t know anybody in the industry, you can easily get in touch with someone online. Most cities have a film community; some are just smaller than others. Many times, you can find information about events and group meetings that happen near you. My best advice is to go to one and meet people who can help you get started. These networking events are also a great way to find crew members for your own projects.

If there’s any other info you want included, paste that here.

I have my own production company based in Denver called Loste Films LLC.

Watch and vote for The Perfect Hotel competing in Directors Challenge Video Contest!

Here are the links to my Facebook pages; likes are greatly appreciated!

Director Page:

Production Company Page:

Also check out the Facebook page for Newsroom One, an outrageous and comedically over-the-top fake news webseries that I direct! Newsroom One:

Follow Filmmaker Luke Ostermiller’s career on The Audience Awards.

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