Introducing Travis Boughton, Real Montana Filmmaker

April 8, 2015

How did you get inspired to become a filmmaker?

Growing up in the skiing community, I always had a knack for carrying my Dad’s handycam with me. I looked up to big filmmakers such as Level 1, Matchstick, and Poorboys Productions. The films they released every year got me excited for the upcoming ski season. I wanted to bring that same feeling to other outdoor industries.

What is your favorite part about the short film form?

It’s short, to the point, and is usually the bulk of the action. In this day and age, short is king for viewership online.

Who were the people that supported the making of this film?

Myself and my partner/brother Zack.

Screenshot from TASTE of MONTANA

Still from “Taste of Montana”

What resources do you use as a filmmaker? Music, locations, props, editing, crew, etc.

Wildlife and landscapes are great because there is no props, just raw footage of your surroundings. Capture the moment when its present and hope you nailed the shot!

What is your next project?

Currently have a bunch of projects in the works. I can’t disclose some of the info, but I have a short piece in the works for the 2016 Fly Fishing Film Tour.

The independent film business is a difficult one. What keeps you motivated? Where do you see the industry going in the future?

I’m not in filmmaking to become rich! I do it because it allows myself to enjoy the things I love in life, the outdoors. I think the industry will continue to grow. With the technology that is out nowadays, anyone can get their hands on a high end camera for a small cost.

Which filmmakers, artists or individuals have most influenced your work?

Any of the big skiing filmmakers influence my films. Level 1, Poorboys Productions, and Brain Farm all come to mind. The guys at Sicmanta do a great job as well.

What advice would you give new filmmakers?

In order to get better, you have to go out and make films. Whether you’re getting paid to do it or not, your best teacher is experience. Don’t worry about having the best camera, focus on capturing shots and stories that are unique to yourself.

Follow Travis’ career at the Audience Awards and vote for his film TASTE of MONTANA in the Real Montana Showcase.

Check out his website here:

The Audience Awards is film’s social network connecting audiences to films, filmmakers, film schools and film festivals. The Audience Awards hosts short film competitions where the audience chooses the best films.


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