Meet Conservationist Filmmaker, Eddie Roqueta

February 3, 2015

Who are you and what’s your filmmaking background?

I am a documentary filmmaker and currently a graduate student in Montana State University’s MFA in Science and Natural History Filmmaking Program. I received my undergraduate degree in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation from the University of Florida. I am intensely egalitarian and biocentric, believing that the proper study of humankind is survival for all. I like to incorporate bioethics and the ecological sciences into my films. My debut documentary Silencing the Thunder has been screened as a part of the Banff Mountain Film Festival, the Big Sky Documentary Film Festival, and the Environmental Film Festival in Washington DC.

What are you working on right now?

I am currently working on my graduate thesis film about sun bear conservation in Borneo. This project was partially funded with a National Geographic Young Explorer Grant.

Screenshot 2015-01-29 16.43.52

Still from Eddie’s short Blackfeet Art of the Northern Plains – Lauren Monroe Jr.

What do you want the audience to take away from your films?

I want my films to inspire change on important environmental issues and illuminate the complexity and depth of various subject matter.

What are your wildest dreams for your filmmaking career?

To be a independent producer with an awesome up-cycled studio built out of old shipping containers where me and a group of other passionate people make films that change the world.

What is something bizarre about you?

I secretly enjoy really awkward moments with people.

Follow Eddie’s career at The Audience Awards

View his film Blackfeet Arts of The Northern Plains

Check out his website

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