Meet the People at The Audience Awards: Robin Rose (aka Mundee Morning)

July 7, 2014

Introducing Robin Rose (aka Mundee Morning), a blogger for audNews.

1. Who are you? I am Robin Rose, AKA Mundee Morning, a Blogger/Vlogger for audNews.

2. What’s the best part about working for The Audience Awards? The Audience Awards is a unique endeavor into the world of film via the Internet. I’m excited to be a part of something new and innovative where I can be a cog in the creative force that drives it forward.

3. Tell us the why you’re excited about what The Audience Awards is building. The Audience Awards is bringing independent films to the masses, which, to me, is thrilling. Not everyone has the opportunity, or the interest in attending film festivals and that is where The Audience Awards Steps in. The Audience Awards not only brings independent films into the homes of your average film viewer, but allows independent film directors to promote their work on a global scale via written reviews, trailers, or film contests.  Wherever there is Internet, there is The Audience Awards.

4. Tell us something bizarre about yourself. I can’t stand overhead lights, and I’m one of the five people on the planet who hates Grease.

5. Do you have a favorite film on the site?  I have to choose only one? I’d have to say Nobody Loves Joel Romeo, part of the 2014 Doc Challenge. I kind of put my hand over my heart while watching it. Very sweet and touching, with a bitchin’ punk rock soundtrack to boot!

6.What’s an entertainment trend you love right now? I’m really loving Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls series on YouTube, and Orange Is The New Black on Netflix because I have eyes, ears, and a pulse. David Bowies new album is fantastic.  Same goes for the new NIN album.  Both came out several months ago, but I am a mother to an 8 month old, so I am waaayyy behind on what is “new” at the moment. I just reread Ghost Worlda graphic novel by Daniel Clowes. Always a favorite. It’s a yearly tradition of mine.

7. Name a few people who inspire you. My daughter. Hands down. There is nothing like having another human being depend on you for literally everything to force you to be the best person you can possibly be. Everything I do now, I do it with her in mind. Shame and ego go out the window, and is replaced with a love so profound and strong that you feel like you could move a mountain with it. Gagging yet? Because my husband also inspires me.  He’s one of the most intelligent and hard-working individuals I have ever met. I wouldn’t trade him for the world. The Audience Awards connects filmmakers and audiences.  Vote today for your favorite short film. 


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