Meet the People at The Audience Awards: Taylor Moss

July 6, 2014

Introducing Taylor Moss, lead developer for The Audience Awards’ website.

1. Who are you?
My name is Taylor Moss.  I am the lead developer, which means that I take all the big ideas and make them into something tangible.

2.  What’s the best part about working for The Audience Awards?
It is an amazing opportunity to work as a lead developer for any company at such a young age.  I am very excited about the opportunity and the freedom I have at this company.

3. Tell us the why you’re excited about what The Audience Awards is building.
Filling a market void is always exciting.  I love the idea that, on the Internet, there is a place for everyone … and yes, that includes the Indie filmmakers.

4. What’s something bizarre about yourself.
I have played 143.875 days worth of Dota 2.

5. Do you have a favorite film on the site?
Bastard, because the cinematography is top-notch.

6.What’s an entertainment trend you love right now?
I love  Purely user generated content is the best kind of content.

7. Name a few people who inspire you.
Bill Gates and Elon Musk.

The Audience Awards connects filmmakers to audiences.  Vote for your favorite short documentary film today.




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