When They Come For Me: Audience Awards Staff Pick

June 28, 2018

Staff pick film, When They Come For Me, directed by Diego Estrada, was an Official Selection in Audience Awards 2018 Love Shorts Film Festival.

Part love story and part resistance, When They Come For Me is a film featuring Alejandro Jimenez reciting his poem which brings to light the difficult conversations that undocumented immigrants have with their loved ones. While fear may be used as a tool to oppress communities When They Come For Me illustrates that an immigrant’s spirit and memory is not easily erased nor caged.

Poet and educator, Alejandro Jimenez is a US immigrant who uses his poetry to inspire his audiences to believe in the power of their stories and personal journeys. Jimenez believes in celebrating the beauty that is in all of us. Jimenez has shared his poetry in sold-out opera houses, universities, detention centers, cultural events, museums, and festivals, elementary, middle, and high schools and most recently published his first collection of poems. 

Jimenez’s presentation of his poem, coupled with Estrada’s directing and editing techniques, makes When They Come For Me, a powerful Audience Awards Staff Pick. 

Audience Awards democratizes entertainment by connecting global filmmakers, fans and brands. We crowd-source mission-based, gorgeous branded content from our award-winning global filmmaker collective. Submissions are juried by the entertainment industry, influencers and celebrities and voted on by the world. The top filmmakers receive prizes, distribution and festival screenings. Additionally, we host our annual live festival Audience Awards Film Festival in LA, provide an internal submissions platform for brands and offer automated live event audience voting.

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