Drawcard by Antonia Oreña Barlin: Staff Pick

June 22, 2017

Staff pick film, Drawcard, directed by Antonio Oreña Barlin, competed in the Audience Awards 2016 Live Action Short Film Festival and screened at AudFest in April.

When a lighthearted office prank goes a little pear shaped, Ed is left to pick up the pieces and try to save not only his job but his dignity. Drawcard is a film about misdirected intentions, innocent mistakes and our inability to handle them as adults. We don’t get in trouble as often as we used to, but when it happens as a grown up that sick-in-the-guts feeling is all too familiar. Tina Fey says “There are no mistakes, just happy accidents”. For Ed this “happy accident” could cost him his job. Maybe.

Watch Drawcard produced by Monica Hyde

Audience Awards democratizes entertainment by connecting global filmmakers, fans and brands. We crowd-source mission-based, gorgeous branded content from our award-winning global filmmaker collective. Submissions are juried by the entertainment industry, influencers and celebrities and voted on by the world. The top filmmakers receive prizes, distribution and festival screenings. Additionally, we host our annual live festival Audience Awards Film Festival in LA, provide an internal submissions platform for brands and offer automated live event audience voting.

Check back every Thursday for a hand selected Audience Awards staff pick and be sure to get caught up with last week’s picks: theaudienceawards.com/staffpicks


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