A Love Story in Milk by Catsnake Film: Staff Pick

January 18, 2018

Staff pick film, A Love Story in Milk, created by Catsnake Film, competed in Audience Awards 2017 Wild And Green Shorts Film Festival.

The brief was simple: make people emotionally engage with recycling. The vast majority of people know the ethical reasons to recycle, but rubbish is still sent to the landfill. We were tasked with making people act who wouldn’t normally care. The film has over 1.5 million views, has won multiple industry awards (including IVCA ‘Best Viral’) and has been promoted by the United Nations. The film is used in a variety of educational environments from schools to children’s workshops, to teaching the art of storytelling.

Watch A Love Story in Milk by Catsnake Film

Audience Awards democratizes entertainment by connecting global filmmakers, fans and brands. We crowd-source mission-based, gorgeous branded content from our award-winning global filmmaker collective. Submissions are juried by the entertainment industry, influencers and celebrities and voted on by the world. The top filmmakers receive prizes, distribution and festival screenings. Additionally, we host our annual live festival Audience Awards Film Festival in LA, provide an internal submissions platform for brands and offer automated live event audience voting.

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