How did you get inspired to become a filmmaker?
It has been the number one thing I have wanted to do since I was like 4. Being a filmmaker has always seemed like only a dream and not a reality, but the older I get I realize I need to do what will make me happy. I have messages and stories and ideas that I want to tell people and the only format that can invoke the the feelings that I feel is film, with the mix of lighting, sound, music, location, emotion, etc… there is so many different factors you can use to deliver the exact message you want to. Ever since I was a little kid I have been saving objects and posters and clothes and decorations with the only intention that they might make a good movie prop one day. I remember the first time I watched Napoleon Dynamite and realizing that being an independent filmmaker might be a reality. That’s when I really started wanting to become a filmmaker and started writing ideas and stories a lot more. I still never thought of it as a reality though, so i just kept it in the back of my head. But one day I realized that I really just want to do what I know will make me happy. So now I am going to school and pursuing my career in this filmmaking arena.
What is your favorite part about the short film form?
I really love film as a medium. I love how much you can connect with someone. So much can go into making a film and so many different aspects that can catch someones full attention. I love thinking of a story that no one else can tell but me, writing it over and over and perfecting it, planning and planning (music, locations, actors, practical effects, special effects), then shooting and editing. So many different variables and not one way is right or wrong.
Who were the people that supported the making of this film?
Everyone I know is very supportive spiritually. But no one has the capital to help fund me. I have a friend named Colton who stars in it as Luci. I also had help from a co-worker named Jordan who plays Adam, but Jordan does not know how to be in front of a camera. So I have people that believe in me but that’s not exactly the kind of support that I need.
What resources do you use as a filmmaker? Music, locations, props, editing, crew, etc.
Well as of right now the only pieces of equipment that I have is a cheap Sony handy cam and I have some utility lights. I do all of my editing on the camera itself and then I got to borrow a computer that I used to compile the scenes into one video. I have some music that I had made in my music tech class that I own all the rights to and I also have a brother and friends that play/ make music. But once I get enough money I am going to buy first a mac, then a new computer, and audio equipment.
What is your next project?
I don’t know exactly what my next project will be and that is mainly because I don’t know what kind of budget I will have. But I have notebooks full of scripts. One film I really want to make is a feature length film with the title of Old Paint. Old Paint is about this group of about five or six friends that are all roommates. One roommate who is also an artist dies. He has left back a huge eight by ten foot painting that he never finished so his roommates decide to finish it for him. The whole movie is about how different people react to something like a friend dying.
The independent film business is a difficult one. What keeps you motivated? Where do you see the industry going in the future?
The only reason I stay motivated is because I know this is what I want and it is the only way I’ll be happy. I have messages that I want to send to people and I do not see any other way I could do this if not film. I know that I can make a name for myself because I will not stand for any less.
Which filmmakers, artists or individuals have most influenced your work?
I would have to say that there are a few filmmakers that have influenced me. First is Paul Thomas Anderson, I grew up watching P.T.A. and not even realizing with movies such as Punch Drunk Love I recently watched Boogie Nights for the first time and fell in love. The mood in Boogie Nights is perfect through the whole thing and I love the different shots he does. P.T.A. mastered the long tracking shots such as the opening scene to Boogie Nights. This movie alone changed the way I look at camera work forever, I absolutely love the feel of his long tracking shots that last several minutes long going from character to character and it is never a dull moment and just so fluid. I also really love P.T.A’s close up shots too, the close ups of Roller-girls Polaroid lights burning out really gives the impact of how powerful a picture is and she only has a few bulbs so you know when these pictures are getting taken that they are because these moments in this persons life are just so happy she wants them to keep. Other than P.T.A. I really love Tarantino, Kubrik, and the Coen brothers I think that all of these directors have the ability to make amazing dialog which is not easy.
What advice would you give new filmmakers?
Be patient. I know it is hard, but patience is a virtue. I tend to be a little impatient sometimes but I have realized that you can’t be in this industry. A lot of work goes into making a film, So that means a lot of time goes into making a film. If you rush a project it will look rushed. Make sure you plan, plan, and plan. There isn’t much worse than going to edit footage and realizing you forgot to capture a whole scene or that the camera angle doesn’t quite work all because it was not planned as good as it should be. So don’t be impatient, take some extra time to put that little bit more planning into it. Then when you think you are ready to film you probably could still use some more planing.
Anything else?
I made a very very rough take of the short film, it is very rough but it still gets the message across and more importantly the feel that I am going for. The whole film was cut using my handy-cam and I got to use someone’s old laptop for about a hour to just add all the scenes together with movie maker.
Watch and vote for Luci Pitch Video here.
Check out the Go Fund Me page here.
This pitch is competing in the REELPITCH Challenge, Remember you can vote once a day for the duration of the contest for as many pitches as you deem worthy!
Aug 09, 2016 at 9:00am MDT (America/Denver)
Aug 18, 2016 at 9:00pm MDT (America/Denver)
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