How did you get inspired to become a filmmaker?
“Life experiences are the thread that binds the human experience.” No matter race, age, culture or creed, we all have a story to tell that connects one human to the next. This is where my passion for film making stemmed from. Documentaries get to heart of life, and many undiscovered aspects of the world, that without this art form we would remain oblivious to.
What is your favorite part about the short film form?
My favorite part of the short film form, is the ability to tell a compelling & intriguing story in a relatively short span of time. The excitement that comes with getting to the meat and bones. The best short stories are the ones that hook me right away, and always leave me wanting more. It’s that very idea, that lead me to become a creative writer.
Who were the people that supported the making of this film?
‘The Long Catwalk Home’ would not be possible without the Creative minds & energy of: * Antoine Tate, Creator/Writer/Editor (Washington, DC Native) * EmoreJ Lee, Creator/ Fashion Specialist (Washington, DC Native) * Sasha Speers, Creator, Documentary Producer We are a Team, and that my proudest accomplishment… Making a great product with great people!
What resources do you use as a filmmaker? Music, locations, props, editing, crew, etc.
‘The World’ is my resource. There is so much inspiration available to us all, if we just stop for a few seconds to literally & figuratively ‘smell the roses’. Blogs, Music Videos, Youtube. Other people creating, always inspire my creativity.
What is your next project?
I actually have several projects, some non scripted reality shows I’m working on, but at least 9 of my projects are posted on my site
The independent film business is a difficult one. What keeps you motivated? Where do you see the industry going in the future?
Independent film business is DEFINITELY a difficult one. My motivation comes from the idea of birthing something new, and knowing that my ideas and dreams are just as valid as the person standing next to me. I love how more and more people who also have a passion for film making are creating their OWN lane, no longer are the taking ‘no’ for an answer, and waiting for the big corporate hotshots to give them a yes. Independents all over the world are doing their own thing on their own terms, and that is something that should always be commended!!
What advice would you give new filmmakers?
Don’t give up, & ‘self-fund’ as much as possible. The truth is whoever cuts the checks, makes the rules. And it’s always possible to get what you need, by being resourceful, that has been my greatest tool. “More than one way to skin a cat”
Watch and vote for The Idea Diva’s The Long Catwalk Home.
This pitch is competing in the REELPITCH Challenge, Remember you can vote once a day for the duration of the contest for as many pitches as you deem worthy!
Aug 09, 2016 at 9:00am MDT (America/Denver)
Aug 18, 2016 at 9:00pm MDT (America/Denver)
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