We all know love can suck and nothing shows it better than our latest staff pick film. The Love Suckers directed by Jim Politano, veteran film and TV actors Eddie Deezen, Caryn Richman, and Larry (The Soup Nazi) Thomas star in a comedy about a troubled married couple seeking the help of a strange therapist.
Jim Politano is an award winning director/producer, and owner of Dreamlook Productions LLC. His last short film was accepted into 52 festivals worldwide, winning 17 total awards. Pre-production has begun on his first feature.

Watch The Love Suckers by Jim Politano
Audience Awards democratizes entertainment by connecting global filmmakers, fans and brands. We crowd-source mission-based, gorgeous branded content from our award-winning global filmmaker collective. Submissions are juried by the entertainment industry, influencers and celebrities and voted on by the world. The top filmmakers receive prizes, distribution and festival screenings. Additionally, we host our annual live festival Audience Awards Film Festival in LA, provide an internal submissions platform for brands and offer automated live event audience voting.
Check back every Thursday for a hand selected Audience Awards staff pick and be sure to get caught up with last week’s picks: theaudienceawards.com/staffpicks