TIM OF THE JUNGLE by Nasos Gatzoulis: Audience Awards Staff Pick

July 19, 2018

Staff pick film, Tim of the Jungle, directed by Nasos Gatzoulis, was an Official Selection in Audience Awards 2018 Music Shorts Film Festival.

A high school student, attempting to complete his musical opus, keeps getting distracted by the intense fights of his mentally imbalanced father and overly doting mother.

Gatzoulis earned a nomination for Best Short Film at the Los Angeles Greek Film Festival with his innovative work on Tim of the Jungle. As a filmmaker, he found the challenge of how he wanted to use music as a reward in itself.

“The constant use of diegetic music as a musical score was the greatest challenge and most inspiring part of making this movie,” says Gatzoulis. “First because we didn’t have an example of another movie telling a story this way. Also, because the dates of shooting the movie were announced while we were writing the script which meant we were not able to have the music made before the shoot. So, the creation of the soundtrack was a very organic process which finished almost at the end of the final mix.”

Audience Awards democratizes entertainment by connecting global filmmakers, fans and brands. We crowd-source mission-based, gorgeous branded content from our award-winning global filmmaker collective. Submissions are juried by the entertainment industry, influencers and celebrities and voted on by the world. The top filmmakers receive prizes, distribution and festival screenings. Additionally, we host our annual live festival Audience Awards Film Festival in LA, provide an internal submissions platform for brands and offer automated live event audience voting.

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