Filmmaker Spotlight: Sam Lane

Sam Lane caught the Audience Awards’ attention with her film “Spell of the West,” which took third in our Animated Shorts Film Festival. MOMA also featured the film in its BOBUDGE Shorts Program this summer, which presented a collection of eight new American short...

Filmmaker Spotlight: Michael Chang

Michael Chang’s Dying Breath competes in the 2017 AudFest Horror Shorts Film Festival How did you get inspired to become a filmmaker? "When I was in elementary school, I stumbled upon the film "Princess Mononoke" one night on Cartoon Network and was completely blown...

Filmmaker Spotlight: Erika Garces

Erika Garces' City of Dreams competes in the Women's Film Challenge Semifinals Erika is a well-known South American actress. She has been training and performing in theater and film since the age of 16 in England, Argentina and the US. She is trained in stage fighting...

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