Best-selling novelist Christopher Priest is best known for writing The Prestige, and lesser known for his written short film called "The Stooge". Directed by Uruguayan director Rogelio Fojo and shot by world-renowned cinematographer Keith Jefferies. Christopher...
“Finding Big Pink” Challenges the Original Short Film Experience
With 2018 being the 50th anniversary of the release of the album, “Music From Big Pink,” the timing couldn’t be better for releasing the labor of love that is “Finding Big Pink.” Original album art for "Music From Big Pink" Three years in the making, and with...
Michael Wong: A Masterpiece
An independent film director, Michael Wong keeps audiences either falling in love or hovering on the edge of their seats. Working hard to make his videos new and fresh Michael has created two short films that bring longer movies to their knees. He creates a...
No One Should Fight Against Cancer Alone
When cancer strikes the very word instills fear. Under the Bayfield Foundation Inc., Hope B-Lit is an effort to generate awareness about how one can aid the fight against cancer. Hope B-Lit's movement is all about helping "empower and motivate children to improve...
Filmmaker Justin Sandler Presents His First One-man Show About His Cancer Journey
Join filmmaker Justin Sandler at the Whitefire Theater on March 7th, 2019 at 8 pm for his first one-man show about his cancer journey. Cancer is one of the most major causes of death right after heart disease according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention....
Filmmakers are Influencers. Make Money on Instagram
Audience Awards filmmakers are influencers and you can make money on Instagram whether you have 1 K or 100K followers. And most of us are always in need of some extra cash. So here are a few tips from Braveen Kumar, on how to make money being an influencer. You’ve...
Filmmaker Spotlight: Sam Lane
Sam Lane caught the Audience Awards’ attention with her film “Spell of the West,” which took third in our Animated Shorts Film Festival. MOMA also featured the film in its BOBUDGE Shorts Program this summer, which presented a collection of eight new American short...
Filmmaker Spotlight: Michael Chang
Michael Chang’s Dying Breath competes in the 2017 AudFest Horror Shorts Film Festival How did you get inspired to become a filmmaker? "When I was in elementary school, I stumbled upon the film "Princess Mononoke" one night on Cartoon Network and was completely blown...
Filmmaker Erik Carlson’s award-winning Night at the Movies
Filmmaker Erik Carlson takes his love of classic adventure and turns it into a night at the movies Erik Carlson’s path to filmmaking began when his grandmother introduced him to the comedy stylings of entertainment icons like Laurel and Hardy, Abbott and Costello, and...
Filmmaker Spotlight: Erika Garces
Erika Garces' City of Dreams competes in the Women's Film Challenge Semifinals Erika is a well-known South American actress. She has been training and performing in theater and film since the age of 16 in England, Argentina and the US. She is trained in stage fighting...